Small Businesses Technology Modernization [How to Align Your Goals & Objectives]

Small Businesses Technology Modernization

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn  Small Business Technology Modernization At JND Consulting Group we believe technology plays a pivotal role in driving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. For small businesses, workforce technology modernization is both an opportunity and a challenge. Embracing modern technology can empower small businesses. It can help them thrive in a digital era. Yet many […]

Are you part of the Propaganda? Well, your systems may be.

Are you part of the Propaganda? Well, your systems may be.

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn When you do not protect your systems, they can and are often turned into bots behind the scenes and used for the following: A great article on Wired titled: How Americans Wound Up on Twitter’s (X) List of Russian Bots Another good article citing the image is: Russian propaganda is state-of-the-art again. […]

AI: Where could it take your business, now and in the future?

Imagine you were alive a few hundred years ago. Living a simple life of hard manual labor, working the land every day to feed your family. And then one day you look up, to see a huge 2023 GPS-guided and highly automated combine harvester sitting at the edge of your field (don’t worry too much […]


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